At 579 BV we enjoy over 30 years of combined experience performing engineering assessments on pressurised equipment (piping, vessels, storage tanks) with a suite of tools including finite element analysis (Abaqus, Caesar II) and other commonly used tools such as (PV elite, Visual Vessel Design or VES).
Our assessments are used to troubleshoot degrading (or broken) pressure equipment in the form of a fitness for service assessment on the proposed mitigation or repair, which often enables the client to keep the equipment in service without modifications until a repair can be scheduled for without compromising on safety. Or they are used as evidence to support or disregard potential causes in root cause analyses or casual learning exercises.
Our scope of services includes vibration related problems in pressure equipment (pipework, vessels, furnaces) where focus is on the avoidance of vibration induced fatigue failures, this includes data gathering, assessment and provide remedial actions for existing vibration problems.
Furthermore we optimise designs of green (new) and brown (existing) field equipment within the rules of the various international construction codes utilising the provided design by analysis requirements (ASME/EN/ISO/API/BS/DIN/RtoD/AS/GB) to keep designs economical and viable or where design by rule cannot be utilised due to either too complex geometry or loading.
In our experience it often is worth the effort to optimise turnaround and/or project mechanical scopes by scrutinising engineering assumptions utilising the same principles and enabling construction and inspection teams to use turnaround hours for the real value adding work.
At 579 BV we can perform all of these assessments against all international established codes and standards including client in-house performance standards of most majors in the petrochemical industry.
Our strength is our ability to translate your engineering problems to practical solutions that are easy to implement and will help you to keep your assets safe and operational.